We provide Ziorem as a tool for the service of wealth creation, sustainable social development and respectful for the environment, developing within an ethical and legal framework.
• We must avoid any conflict of interest and favouritism in professional relations. Both in commercial relations with suppliers and in working relations with candidates and employees.
• We contribute to making suppliers and business partners aware of our expectations and acting in accordance with significant regulations and within the framework of the law.
• We will communicate through etica@ziorem.com any suspicions regarding the possibility that any supplier or employee may not be complying with our ethical standards or their contractual or legal obligations.
• We will always cooperate with all audits and investigations involving our suppliers or business partners.
• We make available the Compliance and Conduct Code available to employees, customers and suppliers.
• We treat employees with dignity and justice, taking into consideration their different cultural awarness.
• We do not tolerate physical, verbal, psychological or any other form of harassment.
• We encourage equal opportunities and the reconciliation of personal and family life.
• We value what each person can bring to the organization through diversity and inclusion.
• We link the remuneration and promotion of employees according to their merits and abilities.
• As a socially responsible company (CSR) we actively contribute to social, economic and environmental improvement.
• We respect the privacy of our employees' information.